Natalee Beck, a senior in high school, would describe herself as “Energetic, Crazy, Random, and Chill.” She has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up, but she does want to take a couple of gap years after high school, travel the world, and figure out what she’s going to do with her life. After having completed 3 years of high school, she can say with full confidence that her favorite classes are Newspaper, anything with Deitz, and Advisory with Blevin.
Since her birthday on November 2nd, 2003, Natalee has visited 15 countries: USA, Japan, Germany, Andora, France, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Monaco, Italy, Czech, Austria, Poland, Croatia, and Slovenia. However, she has never been to the country she wants to visit most: Ireland. Her favorite food is any kind of Mexican food, and she has 2 dogs and 2 snakes.
Natalee has many hobbies, including but not limited to singing, playing piano, playing violin, marathons (of the Netflix variety), and Power sleeping. When she’s with friends, Natalee enjoys doing a bunch of crazy stuff. Two spontaneous things that she’s done are 1. Checked herself out of school to go to the Mall in Idaho Falls, and she once ditched seminary to bring Taco Bell to her friends in that class. Just in case you were wondering, her favorite hobbit is Pippen, her favorite animal is the Red panda, and her favorite book series is the Remnant Chronicles.
Her celebrity crushes are as follows: Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Chris Pine, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Will Smith, John Krasinski, and Zack Efron. Her proudest moment is when she finished DYW, and her role model is her grandma. Something interesting about her, she’s never broken a bone, but she is very accident prone.
Natalee first joined the newspaper staff because, at some point in time, she wanted to be a sports journalist, and that furthered her goal. This is her 4th year in the newspaper staff. In all her time as a journalist, her favorite article was the review she did on the Joker. If she could change one thing about BHS, she doesn’t know what she would change. Her favorite thing about BHS is the Diversity, and her least favorite thing this year is the mandatory clubs. If she could have any superpower, she would have teleportation so she could prank everyone, scaring the crap out of them, etc. Of course, the best way to sum up Natalee is seen in the time she would travel to, if time travel was possible: “The 1950’s, because that seems like it was Party time”.