What I wish I’d known about goals

What I wish Id known about goals

Samantha Pack, News Reporter

Peale once said, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”. Don’t be discouraged that the nearest star to earth is the sun, and it is millions of miles away from the moon. The key is to not think about it too hard, and it is the same with goals. Goals have power no matter how small, so it’s best to just do it. Take time right now just to start! Here are a few ideas to get you started and keep you going strong:



If you shoot off a rocket without aiming for the moon first, you will never be the next person on the moon. The first step in setting goals is knowing where you want to go and what you want to be. Try this exercise: Close your eyes and picture your funeral. Who is there? What are people saying about you in their speeches? Are they talking about people you helped? Are they talking about qualities they admired in you? Oftentimes, you’ll find that they didn’t mention your nice car or how much money was in your bank account. Write down what stands out to you as the things you truly value. Now, brainstorm your wildest dreams that would get you there. What if… Go all out! If you want a yacht, go for it! Narrow this list down into your top ten dreams, then go further and choose just one to focus on. You just found the beginnings of a new goal!


NASA wasn’t built by one person. In order to succeed in your goal, you need outside help. Try to fill your NASA team with as many people as possible. The more ties you have to be accountable to, the more likely you will finish through to the end.


This mission is important to you. Don’t let anything deter you from your goal. Hold on for dear life, and don’t be afraid to be aggressive. If you notice that the people around you are stopping you from following your dreams, then don’t hang around those people. You should never be the highest achiever in the room. Surround yourself with people who match your energy and push you toward your goal. If you notice that you are backing down because you aren’t fully committed, then burn the boats. Make sure you leave everything on the table. If you’re not willing to invest everything, then put it on your “Perhaps” list, not your “Goals” list. This way you aren’t holding your personal integrity accountable for something that isn’t crucial. Most importantly, write down your goal every day so you will always have it at the top of your mind.


“No, I don’t want to just watch,” is saying yes to being on the mission. It’s okay to say no. In fact, it’s encouraged because you won’t be able to do one hundred percent of everything everyone asks. This goes along with being aggressive. Your goal is sacred, so hold on to it. It is easiest to say no as soon as possible, killing any false expectations you might create and making it so you don’t have to stress about it any more. However, you don’t have to be rude; be polite, but firm. Don’t establish “maybes” because “maybes” are just disguised rejections or hesitant “yes-es”. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t do it!


Monday: practice in the flight simulator. Tuesday: check your suit. Wednesday: fuel up. Thursday: fasten the bolts. Friday: take off. Saturday: land. Sunday: review for next flight. Ever heard the analogy of filling a bowl with big and little rocks? If you have, then you know it goes something like this. When you put the big rocks in first, the little rocks fit around them and everything fits. When you put the little rocks in first, the big rocks don’t fit at the top. The same goes for goals. When you plan your goals first in your week, you will make time for them, but if you don’t, then your goals will never fit. The best way to do this is by week. Find just five hours every week to dedicate to your goal. Now make these your sacred hours. Plan them when you work your best, and don’t schedule anything on top of them.


Rockets never look like they just got out of the dumpster. The best machines are clean, tidy, and in good repair. The same should be said for your bubble, or the space around you, which includes yourself and your environment. First, keep the space you control clean. If that’s your room, your work space, or something else, concentrate on keeping it clean for a week and see how it changes your attitude. Second, find a productive environment for work, whether it’s a cafe or a comfy couch, find somewhere where you aren’t distracted and you can work most effectively. Third, take care of yourself. Most people understand the concept of “treat yo’ self”, but often they don’t treat themselves as the amazing creation they are. Don’t just fill yourself with sugar and bad habits, but fuel your body with good food and exercise. According to Rachel Hollis, everyone needs these “Five to Thrive”: moving every day, eating healthy by eliminating one bad food for thirty days, hydrating, making the morning your own by waking up earlier, and expressing gratitude. You are what you surround yourself with, so take care of your bubble!


Your first rocket won’t turn out to be NASA-grade. Don’t compare your start to someone else’s middle. Don’t let that stop you from starting and finishing. If not now, when? If you need some motivation, then write a letter to yourself about what a beast you are and what you’ve accomplished. Don’t worry about those opinions that aren’t expressed in love because you deserve feedback only from those who have your best interests at heart.


In the end, you are going to have to sacrifice. You may have to be slightly tipped in one direction for a while, but as long as you are centered, you will stay up. You can grow in multiple areas as you set goals and develop habits. There is no time limit to these things. Set goals and shoot your rocket to the moon!



Covey, Stephen R, et al. First Things First. Simon & Schuster, 2017. 

Hollis, Rachel. Girl, Stop Apologizing, HarperCollins Leadership, 2019.