SAT Prep. class should be taken seriously

The SAT prep classes in high school offer many benefits to students who take it. The class offers different ways to approaching the test, ways that are different for every student. Students should be taking advantage of this class; if students participate in this class, they will be able to see improvement when they take it in the spring.
According to an online SAT website, CollegeRaptor, “…students who are enrolled in preparatory SAT classes score, on average, 56 points higher on their exams than their peers who did not take the course.”
Students will have the opportunity to discover new strategies when taking the test, improve their score and practice problems that they will see on the test. This class is not nap time, the school is giving us a chance to see what the test is going to be like and help us be less nervous when we take the SAT later on.
The SAT test is what is going to help students get into the colleges we want to go to. Even if you are not thinking about going to college, you may change your mind later in life, so it’s important to do well on the test.
According to a college website, Princeton review,“Created by the College Board, the SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions.”
Marty Earley is one of the SAT prep. teachers for the English section. He described the class as an “[opportunity] to those who take advantage of the class…and progress.”
“I think it’s worthwhile,” Earley said.
Earley described the situation between our school and other schools and the comparison of our scores against their scores. Our school has had the opportunity to introduce the new class last year. Blackfoot High School has been rated a little lower than other schools.
Other schools had the advantage of rating higher because they already had this class in their school. To raise Blackfoot’s score, the school provided this class to help students do better on the test.
The SAT test was planned carefully and specific so anyone could take it. We should take the opportunity we have to use this class to help us prepare for it. Without preparing for it, we don’t take advantage of a test that can help us in the future.

Kaitlyn Jensen is a senior, in her last year of newspaper for Blackfoot High school. Jensen has been in newspaper for four years.
Living in Blackfoot,...
Malia Davis • Jan 23, 2019 at 9:27 am
It’s good to know that students will learn new strategies for taking the SAT through prep classes! I want my son to have the best chance possible at doing well on the test, so I want to get him into an SAT prep class. If he could learn new strategies and methods for getting through the test, I bet he would be able to improve his scores each time he takes it!