Alexis Bird, Editor
Alexis Bird is a senior who is returning for her second year to the Newspaper, this time as an Editor. Some of the reasons she joined were because Gerardi is one of her favorite teachers, and she also has taken Creative Writing and Journalism. Her favorite part about Newspaper is the snacks and being able to socialize with her friends. In her spare time she loves sleeping, playing with her puppy, baking, and doing puzzles with her Grandma. Her favorite subject is English and she loves books. Despite owning a lot of books, her favorite is The Outsiders because it made her cry and she even wants to get a tattoo of a quote from the book. She is excited to be graduating, but she is scared about missing a lot of her friends. Even though English is her favorite subject, she is better at math so after high school, she wants to take a gap year and then apply for college in the spring where she will study something to do with math/engineering.
Alexis has 5 siblings and is the second oldest of the group. Her biggest motivation is her future. It motivates her to think more carefully so her future will play out like she wants it to. Some fun facts about Alexis are, her favorite musician is American Country singer, Rodney Atkins. Her most irrational fear is the ocean even though she has never been to it, but she specifically fears the depth and how unexplored it is. She even thinks mermaids could still exist because there is still so much ocean left untouched. If she could live anywhere in the world, she would choose to live in Alaska because she loves how pretty it is and that it's not very populated. And finally, her favorite quote is “be someone's moon in the darkest of times.”