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The BroncWriter

The Student News Site of Blackfoot High School

The BroncWriter

The BroncWriter

Greyson Kohler, Staff Reporter

Greyson Kohler is a Sophomore at Blackfoot High School. He was born on May 13, 2005, and yes, that was a Friday. His favorite color is gray, because his name. When asked to describe himself in five words, he used the words: “Sarcastic, Funny, Philosophical, ummmm… Uuuuuhh…” He is the 5th of 6 children, and he has 13 pets: 4 Dogs, 8 Cats, and 1 Little Sister. His favorite hobby is watching the World burn, and he doesn’t have a favorite hobbit. His favorite thing to do outside of school is hang out with friends. When he’s with said friends, he enjoys Airsoft, watching movies, and playing Night Games.

His favorite classes are Science, Math, History, and English. His favorite electives are Creative Writing and Newspaper. His favorite part of BHS are all of the opportunities that it affords. He joined Newspaper to try new things and test his writing skills. He plays the Cello, and if you were to ask his friends, they would say he’s a spectacular builder in both Minecraft and real life. When he grows up, he wants to be a botanical genetic engineer. When asked why he was so weird, he said that he has said “Because I have had plenty of opportunities to practice Social Skills, and then threw them out the window. Who needs Society anyway?” 

His role model is the wheel because it seems to roll pretty good. His proudest moment is the time that he brought the cake shop analogy to its knees. His favorite book series is the Reckoners by Brandon Sanderson. His favorite food is lovingly termed “Rice and yellow sauce,” but it’s officially called Chicken Devon. You may see him in the 500 hallway at lunch wearing a gray Sweatshirt with wolves on it and discussing philosophical topics.

All content by Greyson Kohler