North Star Independent Competes at WGI World Championships
This past weekend a local indoor percussion group traveled to Dayton, Ohio to compete in Winter Guard International World Championships (WGI). WGI is notoriously known throughout the marching art community and is seen as a paragon of success. Hundreds of indoor percussion groups ranging from high school to world groups travel to compete in World Championships with each group aiming to come back home with a medal around their necks. Out of about 200 groups performing and competing only 18 groups leave with a medal.
North Star Independent (NSI) is stationed out of Idaho Falls, Idaho and their members range from high school students to college students. Many of them are from the Idaho Falls to Pocatello area along with other members being from the Boise area. NSI had been working their way up to march their show on the floor at University of Dayton’s Arena since November of 2022. Before heading out to WGI World Championships NSI competed in the Intermountain Percussion Association (IMPA) circuit in Utah where they competed against other A class Percussion groups where they placed first in many of the competitions. Throughout the months of competing NSI was able to win the WGI Kaysville Regional in Utah and the IMPA Championships for this year, both being in the PIA classification. With WGI World Championships being quite competitive, groups from all across America have competed for many years and had never had the chance to medal; this only being NSI’s second year going, each member had their own idea of what success would look like, some wanted top 5 while others wanted a medal. NSI was able to achieve both of those goals, not only placing top 5 but also putting a medal around each of their members’ necks. North Star Independent has made history for Idaho and what it means to be apart of the marching arts.
If you would like to watch their show click HERE!

Angela Trejo is a senior this year at Blackfoot High School. The reason Angela joined the Newspaper club/class is because she has always had an interest...