Limb Possible


Do not talk negatively to others, but especially not to yourself. Be your biggest cheerleader.

Blair Warren, News Editor

Robert Anthony, face and founder of Limb Possible, visited Blackfoot high not too long ago and gave a fresh perspective on keeping a positive mindset and attitude throughout our lives. Being an amputee with a tragic past, Anthony has been able to inspire children and adults, disabled and not during his speeches and interactive presentations. Here are just a few things Anthony says:

“Try looking through the positive lenses, not the negative.” “Inspire, Volunteer, be undeniable.”
Be grateful for what you have, focus on the good things and dream bigger!
Feel the love and pass it along, lead with love!
Take time for yourself, remember to breathe every now and then.
Be patient and consistent, doubt will do nothing.
Boost each other up! We NEED each other!
Why fit in when you were meant to stand out?