Saskia Reich
Although we don’t have fresh bakeries everywhere and our food is super fatty, Saskia Reich absolutely loves the experiences she’s had in Idaho. Saskia Reich is a sophomore, foreign exchange student from Munich, Germany. She has a bright, bubbly, outgoing personality that will easily catch your attention and make you WANT to talk to her, which is one thing she loves about the BHS student body, they love talking to her. She said that she loves the energy and enthusiasm everyone here has shown her, and the fact that nobody is afraid to go up to her and start a conversation.
When told she was coming to Idaho, Reich wasn’t sure where it was or that it even existed. She had done some research and realized that Idaho wasn’t anything like what she had expected. She had hoped for a big city, or a sunshine state where she can go surfing and hang out on the beach, but shortly after arriving, she realized that it might not be as bad as she thought! She loves the outdoors activities she has been able to be apart of, such as going to Yellowstone or what she describes as her “Idaho experience” picking potatoes.
Her favorite food place here would have to be Rupe’s; she absolutely loves their milkshakes! One food combination that she would’ve never thought of, but says is “so delicious!” is ice cream on top of brownies.
School is a pain for everyone, but Reich seems to like the way the U.S goes about things. In Germany, you are put in class with a group of people who you will be with all year. When moving from classroom to classroom, you move with the same people everyday, so the fact that every class is different shocked her, but she really likes it because she has an opportunity to see different people throughout the day. But one of the biggest differences that she pointed out is that high school in Germany is about 5th through 12th grade, so she likes that everyone here in high school is in about the same age range.
Overall, Reich wasn’t expecting to land in a “small potato state”, but has loved her time here, loves the people she’s met, the foods she’s tried, the places she been, and the memories she’s made. As her American experience comes to an end in January, she’s sad to go, but excited to see her brother! Reich plans on coming back to visit sometime in the future.

Ziraily Pelayo, more commonly known as Z, is starting her final year at Blackfoot High School. Although Z was born in Blackfoot, she loves to travel to...