Dwight Richins athletic director
Dwight Richins has been an athletic director for fifteen years bouncing around high schools all over eastern Idaho. He was the athletic director at Teton, Valley High, Raft River, Shelley, Hillcrest, and West Jefferson before coming to Bronco nation. Dwight was a math and science teacher(mostly teaching math) most of this teaching career before he transitioned from being a teacher, to being an athletic director, to being an assistant principal, to being a superintendent.
He graduated from West Jefferson High School and participated in wrestling, baseball, basketball, track, and football(which was his fav). He was a head football coach for twenty-five years and in that time, he has been to the state championship five times. Dwight observed, “I was in love with athletics from the very beginning of my education career as an athlete in high school. When I went to college I wanted to be a coach teacher involved with it.” In addition to being a football coach, Richins was the scholastic bowl coach at Teton and Shelley. He would often recruit his big bulky football boys to participate in scholastic bowl.
Richins favorite high school memory was when he played in the football state championship, as well as being in all the activities and supporting other sports. He also thoroughly enjoyed being part of West Jefferson’s play called Jabberwocky. “It was senior play and everybody wants to be in them, even athletes. It’s a huge production and sometimes they have to double cast it cuz (sic) it’s so big for a small school. They sell out all 6-7 nights. You got jocks and you got everybody in it.” He was also able to marry his high school sweetheart.
“The kids are the best part, to help them get better and watch them grow. It’s very enjoyable,” remarked Richins. Back when he was still attending school, Dwight loved it. He loved going to dances, participating in athletics, and just learning new things. He really enjoys being part of education which is why he became a teacher.
Dwight Richins remarked about the staff here at BHS, “It’s been a lot of fun to be here. Lots of learning, meeting new people and where everything is at and who does everything. There’s so many people who make things go and sometimes you don’t appreciate that very much. It takes lots of people to make it go through all of this and its inspired by the people here. They’re really good people.”

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