Stressed for Success

Stressed for Success

Finals week is something all of us dread. The long, busy class hours, finishing up all late work, and studying are extremely tiresome. Even though finals week can be a terrible week for a lot of us there are some tips and tricks to make it more bearable and successful.


  1. Get Organized!

Being organized for classes is one of the biggest stress reducers. When you have everything you need sorted out and ready for you, your classes always go more smoothly. Being organized can save you lots of time and energy.


  1. Divide it up!

No one wants an overwhelming checklist of everything they need to accomplish. Instead of saying I need to finish all of this by the end of the week, spread it out. Plan every day to accomplish a few things from your list. This will make your week less stressful, and make all your tasks seem less tiresome.


  1. SLEEP!

Sleep is probably one of the most important fundamentals of finals week. The more sleep you get, the more alert you’ll be. If you’re more alert during class or while doing homework, you’ll get better results. Staying up late to finish assignments is sometimes necessary to get them in on time, but staying awake to study might not be as rewarding as you think. Teens shouldn’t have to compete for sleep. Get in those eight hours!


  1.  Notes!

Notes are always something you can go back to when you’re struggling. If you have good notes to look back on, your assignments and studying will go so much smoother. When you write things down, your brain has an easier time remembering them. You can also always go back to your notes and reread them when you need to refresh your memory.


  1. FOOD!

It’s no secret that teenagers love food. Throughout your classes or studying get together some of your favorite snacks. This will make studying and class time seem less miserable and will help you to feel more energized.


  1. Get Involved!

Getting involved means asking questions and contributing to class conversations. The more you engage in class activities, the more you’ll get out of them. Asking questions will help to clear confusion. The more you get involved the more confident you will feel.


  1. Set Goals!

Set goals for what scores you want to aim for in that class. Figure out how you can help accomplish those goals whether you need extra credit or to turn in missing assignments. If you set goals, it will be easier for you to accomplish what you need to, so you can succeed.


  1. Healthy Relationships!

Having healthy friendships are one of the most important parts of high school. It’s important to have people you can look to for help when you need it. Surround yourself with people who you can depend on and have fun with. Friends can be a big high school stressor, so the happier you are with your friends, the easier the school year will seem.