The Greatest Hero at Blackfoot High School

Jordyn Parsons, Staff Reporter

As busy high-schoolers, many of us may bustle around, forgetting to thank the people who silently serve us behind the scenes. Squeaky floors and tidy rooms are the only evidence of the unsung heroes of our school. One of these is our custodian, Steve Bishop.
A couple years ago, Steve was diagnosed with lung cancer. After intense treatments for many months, the cancer was gone.
Over the summer, Steve started feeling the same symptoms of the cancer. After discussing with his family, he had decided that he was ready to give up.
“And then you kids, every single one of you, came into my head and told me: ‘Steve, we want you to fight this.’ So I called the doctor and said, ‘Let’s do the treatments.’ You guys were with me. You were my heroes,” Steve said.
Steve recalls a particular event when he really felt he was ready to give up. After intense treatment, he felt tired and wanted to quit.
“Usually when I get my treatments, I go right in. But this time I had to wait. I told my family I was going to go to the restroom. But instead of going to the restroom, I decided I wasn’t going to do this anymore. This was an escape route for me,” Steve said. “I went into the parking lot, and then I felt a bunch of hands on my shoulder. I looked around and no one was there. I heard voices saying, ‘Go back in there. You promised us on the first day of school that you are not going to give up. Are you going to break your promise?’ I have never broken a promise. So I went back in. I’m not giving the credit to myself. I feel like I didn’t have the courage to keep going. I chickened out. You guys are my heroes. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be here. I asked my doctor what would have happened if I missed that treatment and he said, ‘It would have killed you.’”
Luckily for Steve, he had what is called a large cancer, which is actually less deadly than a small cancer. Through his fighting and bravery, Steve was able to conquer his cancer like the true hero that he is.
“They told me that I had a 78 percent chance with treatment, but what they didn’t know was that there were 1,000 students behind that 78 percent,” Steve said. “ “Honestly, I feel better now than I did before when it went away. It is completely gone. Honestly, I feel good. During the school year, people would ask me how my day was going. Now I can honestly say I’m doing great.”
Steve also told stories of students who helped him. He explained that when he was feeling down and sick, someone was always there to say hi or comfort him.
“Somehow you students knew how I was feeling. I don’t know if it was the look I had, but you knew. You told me, ‘Steve, I appreciate what you’re going through. Don’t give up. Keep fighting.’ I don’t know how you kids know.”
One particular example was Morgan Carson (10). One day, Steve found himself crying in his office, ready to give up. Carson, on her way to art, stopped and talked to Steve and comforted him. Steve recalls that on that day, he had been ready to give up on life, but through her kindness, he was able to keep fighting.
“She really helped me. She’s real special in my eyes. She motivated me. She says I motivated her, I don’t know how. I don’t know how she knew. She said, ‘Steve, I’m speaking for everyone in this school. We love you. Never give up. I can see what you’re going through, but I know you can do it. We care.’ I was depressed and feeling sorry for myself, and she picked me up.”
Throughout Steve’s experience, students have been moved enough to help him. He is often known to say that the students are his heroes, but Steve is the real hero.