Chance Rush, a motivational speaker, actor and life coach recently spoke at Blackfoot High School in the school auditorium.
Rush is a 49 year old man from Dallas Texas who is enrolled in the Hidatsa tribe. Rush is a two-time college national champion and a 4-Time All-American.
He spoke on a wide spectrum of topics, including, but not limited to, self reliance and the importance of living an alcohol and drug free life. He encouraged students to be intentional when choosing friends. He advised them to avoid those who are negative, lazy or “haters.” He said to lean toward success and success will lean toward you.
Rush’s own website,, proclaims Rush as a “consultant to tribes and organizations in reference to business, community outreach, staff training, and curriculum development.”
The website also lists some of his aspirations and goals, such as to work with Native American communities and to “inspire, heal, motivate, and energize.” The speech was held on Tuesday, January 21 and was held in the middle of the day during usual advisory hours.
If you would like to know more about Chase or about his experience, work or career you can visit to learn more.