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The BroncWriter

The Student News Site of Blackfoot High School

The BroncWriter

The BroncWriter

Jake Reid, Staff Reporter

Jake Reid is a senior at BHS. He joined the Newspaper club for the first time this year, out of a desire to write and to support his friends. Jake is involved in Acapella, XC, Track and Field, NHS, Student Council, and the spring play. Jake’s favorite subject is the drive home, and in his spare time you can find him reading, listening to music, gaming, doing Student Council stuff, or scrolling mindlessly on Youtube Shorts. Once he has graduated Jake plans to serve an LDS mission and then attend college. Jake isn’t sure what he wants to do in life, and is using his masterful procrastinating skills to put that decision off for another few years. And that, in a nutshell, is Jake Reid.

All content by Jake Reid