We recently had our Mr. BHS assembly, we had fourteen contestants all competing for the student body’s votes. The contestants were introduced and nominated by different clubs to compete. The contestants participated in not only a choreographed dance that they had to wake up early in the morning to practice for for a week. After the contestants dance, they are put up to a relay race. At Blackfoot High School, the contestants of the relay race are given an item that they have to acquire from people in the audience and have to make it back to their chairs before the rest of their competitors. The contestants for Mr. BHS were sent running around all over the new gym to look and obtain these items so that they could win. In the end, the last person standing was Kassidy Bishop, who won the relay race.
The student body was told to send in their votes for who they thought should be Mr. BHS for 2022, the results came in and in first place we had Miles Toussaint; in second place, Carter Lindsay; and in third place, Avian Martinez. Avian Martinez said that one of the challenges that came with participating in Mr. BHS was standing in front of the crowd and performing. Miles Toussaint, in answer to the same question, said that it was challenging to think on his feet when they were asked questions because they had to come up with their answers on the spot. When the winners were interviewed, they also said that they enjoyed participating in Mr. BHS and creating the experience that they had alongside each other.

Kailynn Miller, is a senior at Blackfoot High School. She has been in Newspaper for 3 years and her initial thoughts are that she enjoys it very much....