Brian Earley

Brian Earley, Martin Earley’s nephew, is a first year teacher here at Blackfoot High School (BHS). Earley currently teaches physical science as well as chemistry to the students of BHS, although he is currently getting his credentials to teach all of the different kinds of sciences. Next trimester, Earley will be teaching our students about the wonders of biology, which is what he received his doctorate in. Although Earley has the ability to teach all of the sciences, he states that his favorite is genetic science because of the fact that “Everyone cares about their family and where they came from” such as where they got the traits they have, hair color, eye color, etc. Along with being involved in the education of science, Earley also helps coach Freshman football this year. After football season ends, Earley says that he is excited to try out some of the clubs that are offered here at BHS currently and if he decides to, make one of his own for students to join.
Earley comes from our very own Blackfoot, Idaho. He was born and raised here, and he went to Blackfoot High School. While in high school, Earley participated in football, baseball, basketball, and track sports. He says that he lettered twelve times in his high school career. Outside of sports, Earley participated in NHS, the Academic Team, and HI-Y (now youth government). Earley says that he doesn’t really have a favorite memory from high school but he enjoyed the student body and says that he went to school with “some really great people”.
Earley says that when he was growing up he wanted to become a professional baseball player, but after some time under Coach Chuck Reay, he decided that baseball probably wasn’t for him. Even though Earley had this realization, he says that he is still grateful that he had the opportunity to play. Earley says that his favorite aspect about BHS is the fact that the students are being pushed by the faculty. Earley said that he came to work at BHS because he also wants to push the students here to be better. Earley likes to teach because of the lightbulb moment when students finally understand a topic. He says that he teaches science specifically because he thinks that science brings so much to offer to people of all ages. He also says that as people learn new things about science they learn about all the stuff they still don’t know. One thing that Earley wishes he could tell his younger self is “Don’t take yourself too seriously, have a little more fun and read a little bit more”.
Earley is a father of three kids and has no pets, even though his kids definitely want a dog. When asked how Earley describes himself he said that he can describe how he wants to be in which he said “ I would like to be kind, hopeful and encouraging. I think I fail at all of those things sometimes. I am always trying to do better. I really want to progress as a person, as a teacher, a coach, a husband, a father, trying to progress”. Earley says that if he had to have an inspirational quote it would be, “progress over perfection”.

Kailynn Miller, is a senior at Blackfoot High School. She has been in Newspaper for 3 years and her initial thoughts are that she enjoys it very much....