VANS Custom Culture
2021 Vans Custom Culture High School Logo
The BroncWriter is proud to spread the news that Blackfoot High School (BHS) was picked as one of the 50 schools out of the 5,000 schools competing Nation Wide in the VANS 12th annual Custom Culture competition, #VansCustomCulture. Two shoes from BHS were selected out of 5 from Blackfoot who participated, these shoes are designed by Emmie Henderson and Kenessa Diaz.
Voting is open for the 50 schools who were selected, whichever school emerges victorious, the art program of that school will be awarded $50,000. If you would like to vote click here! Voting is open until May 7th and you can vote everyday.

Kailynn Miller, is a senior at Blackfoot High School. She has been in Newspaper for 3 years and her initial thoughts are that she enjoys it very much....