Debate looks towards National Qualifier

The debate team walked out of the Bronco Classic last weekend with third in sweepstakes along with many other successes as individuals and partnerships.

“I’m really happy with [how I did]. I’ve put a lot of work in, and it’s great to see results,” Aaron Barlow (12) said. He took third in impromptu and after dinner speaking and broke to quarterfinals at the Bronco Classic.

“I felt as though I did good in the Bronco Classic being the fifth in sales and tenth in [Lincoln Douglas],” Scott Carter (11) said.

The debate team has had a good season.

“I am most proud of our performance at the Hillcrest Joust. I was able to place first in three events, and the most important thing that happened was that we took first place as a team,” Danzen Bingham (12) said. “I love that because it showed that we are improving as a team, not just [individually].”

“I’m most proud of how far I and Blackfoot as a whole has come from my freshman year to now,” Jordan Reynolds (12) said. “Everyone has gotten so much better, and we even beat 5A schools that have better resources which is fan-flipping-tastic.”

“I’m most proud of my personal growth that I’ve had as a person during this season,” Carter said.

The debate team looks with hope towards the National Qualifier next weekend.

“I feel really confident,” Barlow said. “I’ve been doing better for the last few weeks than I ever have before.”

“I feel calm going into National Qualifiers,” Bingham says. “The most success will come in 1. Working as a team, 2. Being confident and prepared and 3. Being calm.”