Math Tutoring Lab available at Blackfoot High School

Need help with math and don’t know where to go? Don’t worry anymore.There are solutions to all your math problems at the new math tutoring lab. This tutoring lab opened this year for all students.

Andrea Coles, a new math teacher, opened the lab through the After School Program. Now students can get the help they need without going too far.

Yvonne Sebastian has a math tutoring lab at the Independence High School, Monday through Thursday, from 4 to 5. Before this year, this was the only math lab in the district.

Coles wanted to have a tutoring lab that helped students with their math because she knew students could use a little extra help. She found that she could set it up through the After School Program and got it going the 3rd week of September.

Coles works with Career Center Advisor, Lisa Paramenter, in the After School Program. Paramenter tutors all subjects, Mondays through Thursdays and sometimes Friday, 7-8 in the morning and 3:30-4:30 after school.

“It’s quiet and it’s nice to come in and get some homework done then go home and have your homework done,” Paramenter said.

This after-school program helps students get the help they need in the subjects they are struggling or to finish their homework.

“This is for the students, for whatever students. I don’t care if you do really well in school, if you just need a quiet spot to come after school,” Paramenter said.

Coles helps with all of the math courses on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30 to 4:30, and Wednesdays morning from 7-8.

If you need some extra help in any subject, sign up with Paramenter in the Career Center. Signing up helps get more funding for the After School Program, so students are able to get more help with their subjects.