Doctor Slaughter’s gives perfect amount of scaring

Anyone who says they hate haunted houses has clearly never gone with a smokin’ hot date and a wicked fun group.
Before this Halloween, I hadn’t gone to a haunted house since seventh grade, and I wasn’t planning on ever going again. Then I got asked to go with a group of super fun guys, my best friend, and some Idaho Falls girls I didn’t know. Regardless of the group, you can probably imagine my distress prior to the haunted house. I was terrified. However, we were planning on going to Doctor Slaughter’s, and I had heard it was the mellowest haunted house around. So I pulled on my big girl pants and got in the car and we headed to Idaho Falls.
While waiting in line inside the building, there were a few “acts” to distract from the long wait. At least I think that was the goal. There was just a large stage where after a while a group of dancers came out and danced to some scary songs. They were kinda all up in your face and it smelled like epic proportions of body odor. I didn’t really see the point and would’ve been much more content just conversing with my friends. Needless to say I wasn’t a huge fan.
Once the wait was over, people went in groups of up to six people. We had eight and therefore had to split up, but don’t worry we all caught up with each other 60 seconds in (lol).
Throughout the haunted house, I thought the fear was just enough to create some adrenaline in my body but not quite enough cause me to excrete waste in my pants if ya know what I mean.
I would definitely recommend Doctor Slaughter’s to anyone who wants to get scared, but isn’t quite ready for Albany or the Haunted Hospital. Plus they gave us free coupons to Wendy’s, so that was cool.