Have you ever been driving down the road at night and you see a pair of really bright headlights and you think, “Man, those headlights are bright. I wonder if they have their brights on, I’m gonna flash them with my brights so they turn their brights off”. Then they do it back and you are blinded because they sent rays straight from the sun towards you? Well I have, and I’m here to tell you why these LED headlights are a problem, and why they suck.
These headlights were good in theory; According to Hyundai news, “Blue headlights are more illuminating and provide more contrasts, making it easier for drivers to distinguish objects at night.” However, when driving down the road and coming across one of these cars, I was completely blinded for a few minutes until I fully passed the car. If driving down the road, and you have bright white LED headlights, and I can’t see because of your lights. You’re paying my medical bills for when I crash into a pole.
Not to mention they hurt your eyes, really bad. We need to get rid of the bright white headlights on cars completely. They cause issues while driving. When someone with headlights bright enough to kill the sun is behind me on my tail, they entirely light up inside of my car. SINCE WHEN WAS THIS OKAY? IT’S NOT. IT’S NOT COOL. IT’S NOT FUNNY. I CAN’T SEE. STOP PUTTING THEM ON CARS PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING.