The Annual Idaho One Act competition will take place on April 18 – 19th 2025. It will be held at the Beverly B Bistline Thrust Theatre on the ISU campus.
What is a ‘one act’ play? It is basically how it sounds: there is only one act in this show. Most commonly, plays have two acts, with a brief break between them. This competition will have a collection of short plays showcased from multiple schools around the area.
Blackfoot High Drama Company will be participating in this year’s competition with the piece “War Brides,” by Marion Craig Wentworth. It is a story demonstrating the struggles that women went through in war times, with this setting being during the First World War. A ‘war bride’ is a woman showing her patriotism by marrying a soldier. This dramatic piece has a cast on the smaller side, with a tight knot story. The cast list is posted on the Drama Company’s social media accounts.
Staff member, Michael Monroe, is in charge of the direction for our school’s one act. When asked why he took on this project, Monroe explained his love for the competitions when he was in high school. The topic of the competition has dwindled in the Blackfoot community but it is Monroe’s goal to broadcast it more to the students in hopes for higher participation in future years.
Give your support to these extremely talented actors and actresses as they go back in time of war and patriotism!