The Chess club, put simply, is a club for all who are interested to go play and enjoy Chess/Checkers. Advised by Brain Earley and Eliza Snedaker, with the President being Susan Stringham (12), the Chess club has been a popular selection on Club days.
“It’s a club to come and play Chess with other people who care about Chess…” Stringham stated. “You can learn from people and practice.”
The Chess Club offers learning lots of learning opportunities. When asked why she joined, Stringham said, “I love Chess. It teaches me a lot about not just [the game] but about the rest of my life in a lot of different ways you wouldn’t think about.”
There’s a large range of skills throughout the students. From people who have never played before, to very advanced players, there’s a match for everyone.
“People should join Chess club because it really increases critical thinking skills, it’s fun to get to play against each other and it’s always great to learn something new.” Snedaker finished.
There’s fun for everyone at the Chess club, check them out every club tuesday.
(Bonus content) Favorite pieces:
Strigham: “Pawns because they’re sneaky”
Snedaker: “The King of course”