Blackfoot’s Debate team qualified for a multitude of awards this year, finishing off an incredibly successful season led by none other than Mr. Jordan Reynolds. A list of qualifiers was provided;
- Chadd McGee and Liam Martin: 2nd alternate in Policy Debate
“I did two events; Policy Debate and Humorous Interpretation. For Policy Debate, I had fun because I got to do my favorite debate format again, and I got to show off my knowledge in the field while outcompeting others. For humorous interpretation, I had fun because I made people laugh and got to perform my favorite ever script. I could care less about my scores in HI but I had fun performing it and watching others perform. National Qualifiers went well.” – Liam Martin(11)
- Wesley Pharis and MacKynlee Bishop: 1st alternate in Policy Debate
- Celeste Wallace: 2nd alternate in Lincoln Douglas and 3rd alternate in Humorous Interpretation
- Samantha Dawson and Sophie Applegate: 1st alternate in Duo Interpretation
- Ansley Weaver: qualified in Congressional Debate
“My experience this year with National Qualifiers was truly something special. It is interesting to go to National Qualifiers every year because it is seriously everyone competing at their highest level…Blackfoot has a stellar team this year and we were able to have almost everybody be an alternate spot in something.”
- Koltyn Parsons: 2nd alternate in Big Questions Debate
- Kasey Wheeler: World Schools Debate
On top of the major successes of the team, this article mustn’t go without a mention of Coach Reynolds. He was awarded the District’s Coach of the Year Award for leading such a fantastic team.
“I would credit my awesome experience to my coach. Reynolds has made it possible for me to qualify two years in a row.” – Ansley Weaver(12)