James Thorpe is a 15-year-old freshman at Blackfoot High School. He likes the school because it is small enough for him to not get lost, but he does not like how far apart his classes are.
He is a part of the band club, which he enjoys very much. Some things you do in this club are what you would typically expect, such as playing instruments or practicing for an upcoming event.
However, something in this class that sticks out is the trips to other places you get to go on. These trips are what make it the most enjoyable for him. Thorpe exclaims “Yes, it’s so fun,” when asked if he would recommend it to other students.
Although band is an at school activity, it has become his favorite outside of school hobby. Some of his other favorite things include any song he plays in the band, seafood, lavender lemonade (specifically from Elmer’s), and the color purple. Staying at home and being on his phone whilst relaxing along with having nothing to do is most appealing to him.
When asked who was his favorite teacher and why, Thorpe stated, “I would have to say Ms. Drake, because the way she teaches English is so fun, and she’s like very vocal with her students, and we just bonded a lot,” which gives an impression of being a great teacher.
No matter the fun he has in high school, his plans after seem to stay the same. Thorpe’s plans after graduation are to get a scholarship at college. He plans to stay inside the state unless another opportunity for something greater comes up. The main goal is to go to college for music and science, because “Oh my gosh, it’s just the best subject ever.”