Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) has the Mission to Protect America through criminal investigations and enforcing immigration laws to preserve national security and public safety from the official I.C.E. website.
On January 21 of this year executive order 11246 was revoked, which could potentially harm other citizens of the U.S. You can read more about this on The White House website.
There were laws in place to protect the students from I.C.E. to come in. In NPR, they state that I.C.E. needs a warrant and they need Child Protective Services (C.P.S.) in order to take a child from schools.
Now that Trump has taken office this may not become the standard. Trump has allowed ICE to go into churches, schools, and hospitals with warrants and permission to go into them. In USA Today there are countless stories of people not going into the hospitals and the waiting rooms being empty due to Trump going back into office. An example of this is in Manhattan, Hell’s Kitchen. Many fear that this is going to cause unauthorized searches and seizures. There are many reports today that have already shown unauthorized searches and seizures, especially towards Native Americans. From NBC News they state “Those who are getting caught in Immigrations and Customs Enforcement raids are being targeted because of their race or skin color, according to witnesses.” Further proving that many people are being profiled, even though Natives were here before anyone.
This is not just specified towards Idaho alone. In Newsweek it says that “ … in the first two weeks of President Donald Trump‘s second term, nearly 5,700 illegal immigrants had been deported.”
In recent news millions if not billions of people throughout the U.S. have been protesting against Trump and I.C.E. On February 3 2025 also known as “A Day Without Immigrants” many students, businesses and many other people skipped school and work. They did this to raise awareness of the economy without ‘immigrants’ as well as how important we the people have a voice in what is going on in our country.
Ways to protect yourself on this would be:
Checking to see if they have a correct warrant, signed by a judge and correct information.
If you are in a hospital they cannot legally get your information from nurses and surgeons which are protected by the HIPAA policy. Similarly, if you were in school your information is protected by the FERPA and ISSRA acts.
If you are in a place of worship make sure the leaders check for the validity of the information that is presented to them. If you want more information on this go to North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic.