The Idaho Commission of the Blind and Visually Impaired is a program that helps the blind, and people with vision problems, who struggle with finding or keeping a job. The mission of this program is to empower people who are blind or visually impaired.
The Business Enterprise Program or B.E.P, started in 1936 when Congress created the Randolph Sheppard Act, which would provide people who are blind with economic enhancement opportunities of the vending facilities on federal properties for their disability.
The program provides a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program that will assist you in getting a job or keeping the one you have. The way the system of the VR counselor works is it determines eligibility for the ICBVI’s VR program. Once you’re eligible for the program you will work with him or her to get the access you specifically need for employment and/or how to maintain that current employment. If this service is what you’re looking for it’s The Vocational Rehabilitation services, but this is only one of the services they have to offer.
If you’re participating in ICBVI’s pre-employment transition, then you could have great exposure to information about the opportunities beyond high school. This program is a great way to start making progress on your goals, to accomplish your professional goals.
But just talking about the servicing provided, isn’t enough for you? I have spoken to one of the Idaho Commissions for the Blind and Visually Impaired’s counselor, Becky Clarke. Mrs. Clarke has been working with people for 15 to 20 years, she transferred to the Idaho Commission and has worked there for 6 months. Mrs. Clarke is a Vocational rehab counselor at the Idaho Commission.
Her work as a counselor helps her students/clients make a plan for their future as a high school student, as a college student or just trying to keep or get a job. She helps by suggesting her students take courses to help work with their disabilities in preparing for jobs like College Days, Summer Work Experience Program [SWEP], and even regional work-based readiness activities.
During the interview, Mrs. Clarke said, “When we have success, there is fulfillment in doing this for people who can’t.” This quote shows what pulls her through – helping these students who have disabilities be able to have lives and a future.
The reason Mrs Clarke wanted to work for the Idaho Commission for the blind and Visually impaired? For the challenge, she wanted to challenge herself to do better for these people who have suffered with work because of their disabilities. She was already helping people but she is now helping something bigger.
Special thanks to Becky Clarke, a counselor there who gave more insight about how this program can help But these are only a few things from these programs that I have mentioned, The Idaho Commission of the Blind and Visually Impaired offers many other services not mentioned here like assessment & training centers, independent living services, sight restoration services, and low vision clinics! This article discusses only a small patch of information
“The Idaho Commission for the Blind & Visually Impaired” has a website, there is much more information on the things they do, and how you can contact them for yourself or a loved one to find needed help.