The local food drive happens every year, it is always hosted by Mr. Lish, the social studies and student government teacher of Bblackfoot Hhigh Sschool. The food drive is for charity, the donations caome from students during the fourth hour, right after lunch by the students of trio. These students broughting cups into the fourth hour, to collect donations from our students. Our school is on drive 55.
This charity event that happens in our school has started to turn into a competition for a prize! The prize is normally a party of something. Luckily this being a competition, now helps encourage our students to participate in bigger donations! The food drive ended on the 20th of December, right before the break officially started.
Getting more in depth information about the food drive and how it works and what the donations are going into for our community. I’ve spoken to Jake Reid (12), who helped with the drive, the donations, and where it’s going to nna go.
All the donations that our students donated to the cups or the food boxes, went to charities that helps children and their fFamilies. Doing this, helps our community and the struggling families actually have a Christmas this year, plus throughout our school! The chosen charity, the Christmas community donations. had partnered up to help collect and distribute the donations.
Reid said all the extra donations would be donated to the businesses in our community. He also said that the perks of doing donations throughout the years is that we can help our school with the donations earned! By using the donations from the last food drive held last year, the donations also come in by the other yearly event, The Christmas Auction. Where kids bid for items that are showcased