Blackfoot High School had its homecoming assembly on Thursday, September 26.
The school’s Senior Class President, Jaego Bustamante (12), started the assembly by welcoming the students and staff. Molly White (11) then sang the National Anthem.
The Junior and Senior Powder Puff Cheerleaders then performed their half-time performance, which they did Wednesday Night during the Powder Puff Game. After that, we saw cheerleaders, ballroom, and band performances.
Shortly after, Oaklee Arave (12) announced the Homecoming Royalty. 2nd attendants were Lacey Winter (12) and Landin Gallegos (12), 1st attendants were Sage Howell (12) and Ryan Hammond (12), and this year’s homecoming queen and king were Kaia Pope (12) and Jaego Bustamante. They all received flowers or candy as well as a crown or tiara.
The student body did the annual tug of war, starting with the senior boys vs. Freshman boys; the Senior boys won, and next was junior boys vs. sophomore boys; junior boys won. It ended for the boys, and it was seniors vs juniors, in the end, the seniors won.
After that, they did the girls’ tug of war. They started with senior girls vs freshman girls, and senior girls won, and next was juniors vs sophomores; juniors won.
It was intense for the last part of the tug of war, as it was juniors vs. seniors, and all the pressure was on seniors to make a comeback from Wednesday Night during the Powder Puff Game. The senior girls won the tug of war. Afterwards, they did the school song and dismissed everyone to their third hour.