During the high school’s new school year, 2024-2025, there have been some very drastic changes. There is construction at the front of the school, the new track, and more construction behind the school.
But another change is our school lunches – how they are made, who is on staff and why we now have a daily lunch count each morning.
Some of the cafeteria staff had to leave because the school’s expenses this year had to be cut. Losing half of its staff has hit hard in the preparation of the lunches.
Satomi Nawrocki, one of the cafeteria workers at Blackfoot, has said that this trimester the staff has gone through several staff meetings for the new changes in the school’s system to ensure everything goes smoothly. Nawrocki has said teamwork has made it so they could pull through!
Nawrocki mentioned that BHS has slightly changed how transportation works. Nawrocki said that most of the food is being cooked at BHS instead of River Bend Elementary, but temperature is a very important thing for transportation between schools.
Nawrocki has also mentioned her concern about the transportation between schools during the midwinter season, but Nawrocki and the rest of the lunch ladies get through it with their positivity by working together as a team.
Nawrocki gave her honest opinion, saying that this year with the new system has NOT been easier with a shortage in staff, especially compared to last year. The cafeteria only has half of what they are supposed to work with. Preparing meals usually would require four people, but they’re only working with two.
Gabrial McKay (12) is one of the students helping prepare lunches in the cafeteria. McKay said nothing has really changed. The lunch ladies tell the students what to do. They have to make the required amount to make sure everyone has a lunch and they aren’t left one short.
Blackfoot High School principal, Mr. Roger Thomas said the district has found a way to make it easier to minimize the cost of supplies and construction for the school by partnering up schools. Blackfoot High School has partnered with River Bend Elementary, to save money and minimize costs.
Thomas explained that River Bend Elementary School will be cooking all the meals for the high school based on the lunch count. It has to be an accurate number to ensure everyone gets a meal.
It will be transferred to the high school where it will then be prepared for the presentation of consumption for the students. The reason we are partnering up schools is because it helps lower expenses, especially since our new construction is happening around the school.